AI and linguistics meet.
intelligo is the key to
understanding the world of tomorrow.
About us
intelligo Srl is an innovative startup founded in 2023 that operates in the sector of computational linguistics and artificial intelligence with the aim of developing cutting-edge products and solutions for the analysis and classification of texts in natural language with particular attention to Italian language.
The intelligo Srl team is made up of engineers with solid experience in the NLP field acquired over the years in the academic and industrial fields.
intelligo's mission is to offer advanced solutions for the analysis and classification of natural language texts, with a particular focus on the Italian language.
We are committed to providing innovative products and services that enable businesses to automate and improve key processes, increasing operational efficiency and employee productivity.
italicaX is the revolutionary engine that powers intelligent solutions, offering actions such as text polarization, POS tagging and tokenization, statistical representations and entity extraction through sentiment analysis.
italica is an application that uses advanced technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), which allows you to obtain grammatical analysis of texts in the Italian language.
Unprecedented analytical power
Text polarization
italicaX identifica con precisione se un testo è positivo, negativo o neutro, fornendoti informazioni preziose per comprendere e migliorare la comunicazione e l’utilità di un testo.
POS-Tagging and tokenization
The engine automatically identifies and removes POS-Tagging, ensuring the security of your website or app. Furthermore, advanced tokenization allows you to analyze text even more precisely and deeply.
Entity extraction and sentiment analysis
italicaX estrae le entità chiave da un testo identificando le emozioni e le opinioni che lo permeano e rendendo la sentiment analysis ancora più efficace.
Statistical representation of word frequencies
italicaX elabora la rappresentazione statistica di quali sono le frequenze di determinate parole all'interno di un testo. Questo permette di individuare i termini più utilizzati e di capire come il linguaggio viene usato in un determinato contesto.
Advanced technologies. Pre-trained language models. Multilingual.
What does it do?
How does it do it?
Download the app
ADA Suite
The intelligent choice for document management in Public Administration.
What does it do?
Imagine being able to manage documents quickly and easily, with a system that automatically classifies them, extracts important information and helps you protect your privacy.
ADA Suite is all this and much more. Thanks to artificial intelligence, ADA Suite revolutionizes document management in public administration, offering advanced analysis and anonymization for better efficiency and categorization. ADA Suite not only automatically classifies documents, but also extracts sensitive information and identifies valuable entities. Furthermore, it integrates perfectly into existing document management flows, activating specific actions based on the content of the document while also being able to define the linguistic register of a text and providing useful information for its use.
The advantages
- Better efficiency in document management
- Greater security and data protection
- Faster, more informed decisions
- Reduced storage costs and time
- Greater transparency and accessibility to information